Dallas Donovan is an aquaculture executive with more than 30 years operational and executive experience. His most recent roles include Chief Operating Officer for Seafarms Group Ltd (ASX:SFG) and Managing Director (Shrimp) for National Aquaculture Group (Saudi Arabia).
He has extensive experience in corporate planning and financial assessment of capital investments in the aquaculture industry valued at greater than $400 million, combined with international business experience in vertically and horizontally integrated aquaculture operations, including responsibility for managing breeding, hatcheries, production, processing, and construction operations.
With a keen focus on operational efficiencies, he has been responsible for developing and delivering SPF and APE breeding programs, biosecurity systems, improved production systems, operational capital projects and, within the retail sector, new product development.
Comfortable working in an international context Dallas has experience in working with and managing large and diverse multinational teams.
His executive experience is rounded out with significant experience in the development of sales and marketing strategies, with experience in the markets of Australia, USA, Europe, Japan, Singapore, China, Korea, Hong Kong and the Middle East.